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  • Why free private physiotherapy?
    During these times of crisis, the NHS has had to make drastic changes to the way they deliver healthcare. Prioritising COVID-19 patients, cancelling elective surgery, postponing non critical care appointments, closing whole departments and services. Staff have been moved away from outpatient departments and onto the wards, indeed, the NHS is having to staff whole new hospitals, built specifically to treat COVID-19 patients. The Non-Covid Effect, as it’s been described, is already gripping our healthcare system. Thousands of appointments have been cancelled or postponed. Patients across the board are stacking up and in the coming months the NHS will face a tsunami of patients with advanced conditions. ​ As a musculoskeletal physiotherapist, I fear that conditions not being treated, combined with inactivity will lead to a compounded effect on people with musculoskeletal pain. I’m concerned that a large group of people’s pain will worsen and that the NHS will be overwhelmed as the coronavirus restrictions begin to be lifted. As an NHS musculoskeletal physiotherapist concerned with this, I founded Fenix Physiotherapy - a private physiotherapist service helping NHS and private patients currently online.
  • How do I know if I qualify?
    If you answer 'Yes' to any of the qualifying questions , which can be found by clicking the link at the bottom of the page, a qualified Physiotherapist will call you to conduct a consultation over the telephone. Note: We have the use of video technologies should you prefer a video conference call (recommended).
  • What will happen during the phone consultation?
    During the consultation your physiotherapist will assess and explain the cause of your pain, provide a diagnosis and advise on the best actions to ease pain and improve your movement and functionality. Specific, appropriate and timed goals will be agreed upon. Should a home exercise program be of benefit, it will be designed around you specifically and sent to you by email. We have use of an excellent smart phone application that will help you keep track of your home exercise program and will keep the Physiotherapist informed on your progress. The Physiotherapist will follow up your initial telephone call, at an agreed time, with another call to check how you’re getting on, provide further guidance and advice, and progress your exercise program if necessary. ​ It’s that simple, free Physiotherapy.
  • How many free sessions do I get?
    You will receive one 30min telephone consultation and one follow up telephone appointment.
  • What if I need more Physiotherapy sessions after my free sessions?
    Depending on availability, you can book further online physiotherapy sessions, which you’ll have to pay for. See our costs here. Please note: Fenix Physiotherapy prioritises booking slots for NHS patients
  • Can I pay for physiotherapy if I don’t qualify for Free Physiotherapy?
    Yes. Fenix Physiotherapy prioritises booking slots for NHS patients. However, Fenix Physiotherapy is not a charity, nor do we receive government funding. Therefore, we recognise that in order to maintain the service we provide, paying clients must be welcomed. If you don’t qualify for free physiotherapy or if you require more than the allocated two free telephone appointments, then you can book and pay for more Physiotherapy. Click here for prices and to book a telephone/video consultation.
  • Do I need to cancel my NHS physiotherapy appointment?
    No. You may not have an appointment scheduled but may be on the list for physiotherapy on the NHS. In which case you should await to be contacted by your NHS physiotherapy department and accept any treatment they offer. Always be sure to inform any physiotherapist of any other treatment you are having.
  • What technology do I need for the online consultation?
    All you need is a telephone. If you have a smart phone, (iPhone or Andriod), a face-time call can be used. If you have a laptop with a camera, we can use Zoom for a video consultation.


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